Friday, June 1, 2012

Order a Challenge Pack and win some goodies!

Hey folks!! Yay for summertime!

Just in time for swimsuit season, wanted to let you all know about a special I am running. If you order a Beachbody Challenge Pack from me, you will be entered to win an awesome prize! I am giving away a free 30 day supply of either tropical strawberry or chocolate Shakeology, and a Target gift card ($50-$100 value)!

Interested?? Go to and click on JOIN. You will join Team Beachbody (for free), then order your Challenge Pack and 30 day Shakeology order. So you could essentially have a buy 1 get 1 free deal on Shakeology!!

Lose weight, look and feel great, and enjoy your summer with some free goodies from me and Beachbody!! :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Are You MAN Enough for BODY BEAST??

Yeah, I said it! Beachbody has a new workout coming out in June! It's Body Beast, and it is for you guys out there who want to get big, ripped, and shredded!

And the Beast who will take you where you want to be is former Mr. Israel, Sagi Kalev. Sagi has combined his bodybuilding success and educational background in health and nutrition into Body Beast. No guess work for you on how to get BIG! No guess work on what you should EAT! Sagi does it all for you!

Beachbody realizes that weight loss is not everyone's goal, but everyone's goal SHOULD be overall health and fitness. So if you want to bulk up, add some serious muscle, and do it all in the convenience of your home with a helluva trainer, then Body Beast is the way to go.

Check out the short clip on Body Beast. The second link will take you to the Body Beast website. I will announce its release date once we have it, and you can order Body Beast from me at 

Are you ready to MAN UP?

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Check out my Beachbody websites

Ok, a little swamped with the full time job right now, but in the meantime, check out my Beachbody websites!! I also have a new website for the Beachbody Ultimate Reset! If you are always feeling tired and sluggish, you should really consider the reset! It is NOT a harsh cleanse at all, and you will be surprised how easy it is! Check it out!

And of course, don't forget to check out my other sites for great Beachbody products and Shakeology! Challenge Packs and Shakeology are the keys to weight loss and fitness success. And Ultimate Reset can fine tune your body before you go hard core into your workouts! Join the FREE  Team Beachbody Club to purchases your Challenge Packs!

Mmmm, Shakeology! I drink it everyday for breakfast! So should you! :)

Good luck and join our Beachbody Club! :)

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Friday, April 27, 2012

Take the Beachbody Challenge! Lose Weight, Earn CHA CHING$$$$

Imagine getting PAID to get healthy! Wild, huh? That's exactly what the Beachbody Challenge is all about. The Beachbody Challenge Packs allow you to order several workouts in one convenient pack at a discounted price! By purchasing a Challenge Pack and Shakeology, plus signing up for a FREE Team Beachbody Account, you are eligible to win some serious dinero. Place your order, take your before pics, do the work, take your after pics, and submit your pics to the Beachbody Challenge.

What if you already own one or more of these workouts? No worries! Sign up for the Beachbody account (it's FREEEEEE), and purchase Shakeology.

Go to my website,, and click on JOIN (just below the main pic). This will take you to the main Beachbody page. 

You can follow the video below to also help you set up your FREE account and join the Beachbody Challenge!!


How to Order Your Team Beachbody Challenge Pack by CoachJulio

Thanks to Beachbody Coach Julio for putting this together!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

TurboFire =YIKES! (But in a good way)

There's no doubt about it...Chalene Johnson is A-MAZ-ING!! You've probably seen her on the Saturday morning infomercials, you know, the perky little blonde?

Cute, huh? Yeah, leave cute alone. This woman is a BEAST!!! Last week, I started Turbo Fire with Chalene Johnson. Oh my GAAAAH!! Seriously one of the most energetic, intense workouts ever!! And the music is amazing! Not that crap you usually hear on workout DVDs! This woman knows how to rock your socks off!

Click on the link below the picture to watch a preview of Turbo Fire!

Is Turbo Fire for you?? Go to to place your order today!!

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Beachbody Ultimate Reset available April 12!

Hi!!! Sorry I've been out of touch! So much going on at work and I am starting my second quarter in a PhD program! Here's a funny video from Beachbody Coach Joy regarding the Beachbody Utlimate Reset! Ultimate Reset is available on April 12 to everyone! Are you ready?? I'm ready!! :)

Go to the Ultimate Reset site for more info:

Don't forget! You can order the Ultimate Reset through my website:! :)

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Beachbody Gym > Regular Gym

Take a look at my Beachbody Gym:

The only thing missing is the ballet bar I use to do modified chin ups and pull ups on, and a couple of sets of bands, a jump rope, and the Insanity Asylum agility ladder. And here is a common fitness center:

Not bad, but why bother if you can work out at home? The pic at the top was taken in one of our spare bedrooms that I use for my workouts, which is now officially my Beachbody Gym! Why does a Beachbody gym beat out a regular gym?

1) Convenience: You don't have to drive to a Beachbody gym, and fill your tank up with expensive gas. Plus, it's a lot easier to talk yourself out of a workout if you have to drive to your workout destination.

2) All the single ladies! And the married ones too. Let's face it; gyms can be meat markets. Most ladies don't want to be hit on by some sweaty guy, nor do we wish to be around someone trying to hook up with other people around us. No one but your significant other will hit on you in the Beachbody gym. If you want to flirt with Shaun T and Tony Horton on the dvds, well have at it! :)

3) Once you pay for your DVDs, you're done. They belong to you forever! No contracts, monthly payment increases, etc. etc. etc.

4) You can roll out of bed, looking like the Cryptkeeper, and workout in your Beachbody gym every morning! You don't have to brush your hair or find matching workout clothes. You can wear your shorts with the bleach stains and your Hogs Breath Saloon shirt from Key West with the holes in it! It's YOUR gym!!

5) Privacy!! Folks, I am not coordinated at all. I sweat like a sea donkey. I have to take breaks and pant sometimes. And it's okay in the Beachbody Gym. No one is there to judge me.

So what are you waiting for? Find a Beachbody workout that's right for you, and create your own workout sanctuary!

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New Beachbody Product! Ultimate Reset Cleanse!!

Ok, I am super pumped about this product, which is supposed to come out by this summer! Every cleanse I've ever tried was way too harsh and left me feeling weak. But Beachbody products are so awesome! I never liked protein or meal replacement shakes until I tried Shakeology! That's why I know this will be a kicking bootylicious product! Beachbody products WORK! If  YOU work, THEY work! :)

The link below (yes it's long, but you can always watch for a while and come back!) is from the March 2012  Coaches Summit. CEO Carl Daikeler and his wife Isabelle (fitness guru and co creator of Shakeology) explain the Ultimate Reset. Enjoy and I will keep you posted on its release date!

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

P90X Yoga / P90x2 Yoga Suck! Or do they?

What is the hardest workout in P90x? Easy...YOGA!!! Many fitness buffs (or self proclaimed fitness buffs) do not consider yoga to be a real workout! Why? Because it isn't about running and jumping, squatting and lifting! So what? If you're really into fitness, you know that flexibility is key to overall wellness. What's the point of having 2% body fat if you can't touch your toes or scratch our back??

As we get older, we are more prone to injuries. Yoga will help! If you're an athlete and you want to prevent injuries, Yoga can help! If you want overall wellness....yep, Yoga can help!!

Wouldn't you love to be able to do these poses??

Click on the link below and hear what P90X / P90X2 creator Tony Horton has to say about people who are anti yoga! Boy, does he make a lot of sense! The next link is Tony, at age 52, showing why you should NEVER skip the Yoga!! If you want to try ALL of the P90x /90x2 workouts, you can order on my website: Namaste, people! :)

Yes, this pic is Tony Horton doing yoga!! Click on the link below the pic to see more!! It's a short one! :)

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Friday, March 23, 2012

Shakeology!! You Gotta Try This!!!!

**This post is dedicated to one of my favorite personal fitness trainers, Antione Thomas aka Trainer Tweezy, who is convinced I live off of cupcakes and champagne! ;) **

Do you know how I know Shakeology is awesome? Personal experience, baby! I wake up every morning CRAVING Shakeology! Shakeology comes in 3 flavors: Greenberry, Chocolate, and the newest, Tropical Strawberry. Shakeo is delicious and filling. I usually drink mine around 6am in the morning (I get up at 5am to workout during the week), and I stay satisfied and full until around 12:30pm - 1pm.

There are lots of recipes and different ways to make Shakeo, so find the one that works for you. I use chocolate soymilk (Soy Slender is my fave) or Almond Milk. This morning's Chocolate batch was made with pineapple, banana, strawberry, and blueberry juice from my juicer with a dash of Chocolate Soy Slender. Sooo good! Shakeology already has tons of nutrients, but the fresh juice adds an extra punch! Check out the videos below. The first explains the science behind Shakeology, followed by Turbofire Creator Chalene Johnson mixing up her Shamrock Shakeology recipe. Want to try Shakeology? You can order thru my site:!

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Want to see some P90x2 workouts?

This morning, I did P90x2 Ploycide. Get it? Plyometrics + SUICIDE???? LOL, I can barely move! But  man, it was an awesome workout! You will use 8 lb medicine balls, a stability ball, and bands (at the end, for some terrific stretching).

Tony Horton is nuts!! And he is super perky, especially when you're working out at 5am. If you've tried p90x and want to continue with it successor, please visit my website:

Here's a great video someone put together, which shows a glimpse into the P90x2 workouts. Enjoy! And continue your P90x / P90x2 journey with me!! :)

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Become a Team Beachbody Coach with Me!

Do you already use Team Beachbody products? Would you like to earn some extra money and help people with their health and fitness? Why not become a Team Beachbody Coach?

If you're passionate about your own health and fitness, and want to help others succeed, you have nothing to lose. You DO NOT have to be a fitness model or a personal trainer to be a Beachbody Coach. Beachbody Coaches are regular people, just like you and me, who are on their own journey to wellness. Some are already there, and others are on their way, thanks to Beachbody.

What are the benefits to you, other than overall wellness? You get a 25% discount on all Beachbody products, and a 25% commission on all products that you sell. Beachbody even designs your websites for you! You are more than welcome to create your own website, but why reinvent the wheel? Go to my website at the bottom, click on the Coach window at the bottom, and join me today!! Fighting to end the trend of obesity in America!!

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Tai Cheng Comes Out Tomorrow!!

Who's pumped?? This girl!! I've wanted to do Tai Chi for years, but no gym offered it, and there were no cool DVDs either ! Meeeh!! If you do intense workouts like Insanity or P90x, or if you are an athlete recovering from and injury, this is for you. If you are older and haven't worked out in years, This Is For You! If you're breathing and want to keep breathing....yep...THIS IS FOR YOU!!

I can't wait to add Tai Cheng to my workout regime. I used to love to pop out of bed at 5am and get my workout grind on. But since I put on weight over the last two years, I do not sleep well at all. I wake up tired sometimes, so I have no injury for Insanity or P90x. Those have to be my evening workouts. Tai Cheng will be a perfect morning workout for me. And do not be fooled by these slow, controlled movements. This is one of the martial arts, and you will be surprised at what happens to you, mentally and physically.

Add Shakeology as a meal replacement, and you will definitely get your Zen on! :) Check out the link below as Dr. Cheng discusses Tai Cheng at the Beachbody 2011 Coaches Summit. You can order Tai Cheng (starting 3/22/2012) and Shakeology thru my websites: and

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