Sunday, March 25, 2012

P90X Yoga / P90x2 Yoga Suck! Or do they?

What is the hardest workout in P90x? Easy...YOGA!!! Many fitness buffs (or self proclaimed fitness buffs) do not consider yoga to be a real workout! Why? Because it isn't about running and jumping, squatting and lifting! So what? If you're really into fitness, you know that flexibility is key to overall wellness. What's the point of having 2% body fat if you can't touch your toes or scratch our back??

As we get older, we are more prone to injuries. Yoga will help! If you're an athlete and you want to prevent injuries, Yoga can help! If you want overall wellness....yep, Yoga can help!!

Wouldn't you love to be able to do these poses??

Click on the link below and hear what P90X / P90X2 creator Tony Horton has to say about people who are anti yoga! Boy, does he make a lot of sense! The next link is Tony, at age 52, showing why you should NEVER skip the Yoga!! If you want to try ALL of the P90x /90x2 workouts, you can order on my website: Namaste, people! :)

Yes, this pic is Tony Horton doing yoga!! Click on the link below the pic to see more!! It's a short one! :)

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