This man is a beast, and his Insanity workouts are no joke!! So what's the difference between Insanity and Insanity the Asylum? That quote from Shaun T is dead on. Insanity, which is very intense cardio with strength moves and sports drills, prepares you for Insanity the Asylum.
Insanity does not require any equipment, so it's a great workout to take with you when you travel. When you order the Asylum, this is what you will receive in your order:
In addition to the DVDs, you will receive a jump rope and an agility ladder. You will also need hand weights and/or bands. For many people, they like Insanity since they don't need any additional equipment. But you will receive the majority of the necessary equipment with your Asylum order, so don't let equipment be a turn off for you.
I do my workouts in one of our spare bedrooms that does not have a high ceiling, and also has a ceiling fan. So I simulate jump roping insteade of actually using the jump rope in that room. I will eventually move the Asylum workout to the garage, but I'm making it work with what I have for now. And so can you!
Do Insanity first, then move on to the Asylum. You will be a BEAST, just like Shaun T when you're done. You can order both workouts at
Nutrition is also an important part of these programs, and Shakeology will give your diet an enormous boost of nutrients. Check it out at
Click on the link below to watch Shaun T in an Insanity the Asylum preview:
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