Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tai Cheng Comes Out Tomorrow!!

Who's pumped?? This girl!! I've wanted to do Tai Chi for years, but no gym offered it, and there were no cool DVDs either ! Meeeh!! If you do intense workouts like Insanity or P90x, or if you are an athlete recovering from and injury, this is for you. If you are older and haven't worked out in years, This Is For You! If you're breathing and want to keep breathing....yep...THIS IS FOR YOU!!

I can't wait to add Tai Cheng to my workout regime. I used to love to pop out of bed at 5am and get my workout grind on. But since I put on weight over the last two years, I do not sleep well at all. I wake up tired sometimes, so I have no injury for Insanity or P90x. Those have to be my evening workouts. Tai Cheng will be a perfect morning workout for me. And do not be fooled by these slow, controlled movements. This is one of the martial arts, and you will be surprised at what happens to you, mentally and physically.

Add Shakeology as a meal replacement, and you will definitely get your Zen on! :) Check out the link below as Dr. Cheng discusses Tai Cheng at the Beachbody 2011 Coaches Summit. You can order Tai Cheng (starting 3/22/2012) and Shakeology thru my websites: and

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