Friday, March 16, 2012

A little inspiration from a top Beachbody Coach

So for the last couple of days, I've been busy wrapping up 2 projects for my PhD classes. Ugh, writer's block! But I wanted to share an amazing video with you, featuring one of Beachbody's top coaches. If you're interested in becoming a coach, please visit my site, This is such a wonderful company to be part of. My full time job has become mundane and frustrating. It's never easy to work in an environment with lots of negative, uninspired people, This is the exact opposite of Beachbody!! Ok, I'm back to my classwork now. Enjoy the video and decide if Beachbody is right for you. What is better than helping people get fit and healthy, plus ending the trend of obesity in the US? Click on the link below the pics to watch the video!  TGIF, folks! :)

1 comment:

  1. レイバン aviatorは夏に強い、海のy印象がついに浮かんでくる。夏となると、街中にレイバン ウェイファーラーが溢れるが、海辺に行ったら状況は激変。という事で、使う道を分けて、それぞれのレイバン モデルを用意するのが大事!
