Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Best Revenge is Massive Success

How does revenge relate to weight loss, health, and fitness? It's simple: negative people (and we all have them in our lives) want you to fail. Your failure helps them deal with their own failures. It's the old "if I can't do it, then no one else should be able to do it either." Do not let these people get you down! And don't give them the satisfaction of an argument! Don't feed the facebook trolls that always try to start an argument or get a rise out of you!

Everyday that you work on yourself, you have succeeded. Let your success speak for itself. You don't have to defend yourself to ANYONE! SHOW the world (and yourself) how great you are! It's a beautiful day and I'm going to walk several miles on the beach today. Do something great today! :)

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