Friday, March 30, 2012

Beachbody Gym > Regular Gym

Take a look at my Beachbody Gym:

The only thing missing is the ballet bar I use to do modified chin ups and pull ups on, and a couple of sets of bands, a jump rope, and the Insanity Asylum agility ladder. And here is a common fitness center:

Not bad, but why bother if you can work out at home? The pic at the top was taken in one of our spare bedrooms that I use for my workouts, which is now officially my Beachbody Gym! Why does a Beachbody gym beat out a regular gym?

1) Convenience: You don't have to drive to a Beachbody gym, and fill your tank up with expensive gas. Plus, it's a lot easier to talk yourself out of a workout if you have to drive to your workout destination.

2) All the single ladies! And the married ones too. Let's face it; gyms can be meat markets. Most ladies don't want to be hit on by some sweaty guy, nor do we wish to be around someone trying to hook up with other people around us. No one but your significant other will hit on you in the Beachbody gym. If you want to flirt with Shaun T and Tony Horton on the dvds, well have at it! :)

3) Once you pay for your DVDs, you're done. They belong to you forever! No contracts, monthly payment increases, etc. etc. etc.

4) You can roll out of bed, looking like the Cryptkeeper, and workout in your Beachbody gym every morning! You don't have to brush your hair or find matching workout clothes. You can wear your shorts with the bleach stains and your Hogs Breath Saloon shirt from Key West with the holes in it! It's YOUR gym!!

5) Privacy!! Folks, I am not coordinated at all. I sweat like a sea donkey. I have to take breaks and pant sometimes. And it's okay in the Beachbody Gym. No one is there to judge me.

So what are you waiting for? Find a Beachbody workout that's right for you, and create your own workout sanctuary!

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1 comment:

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