Friday, March 23, 2012

Shakeology!! You Gotta Try This!!!!

**This post is dedicated to one of my favorite personal fitness trainers, Antione Thomas aka Trainer Tweezy, who is convinced I live off of cupcakes and champagne! ;) **

Do you know how I know Shakeology is awesome? Personal experience, baby! I wake up every morning CRAVING Shakeology! Shakeology comes in 3 flavors: Greenberry, Chocolate, and the newest, Tropical Strawberry. Shakeo is delicious and filling. I usually drink mine around 6am in the morning (I get up at 5am to workout during the week), and I stay satisfied and full until around 12:30pm - 1pm.

There are lots of recipes and different ways to make Shakeo, so find the one that works for you. I use chocolate soymilk (Soy Slender is my fave) or Almond Milk. This morning's Chocolate batch was made with pineapple, banana, strawberry, and blueberry juice from my juicer with a dash of Chocolate Soy Slender. Sooo good! Shakeology already has tons of nutrients, but the fresh juice adds an extra punch! Check out the videos below. The first explains the science behind Shakeology, followed by Turbofire Creator Chalene Johnson mixing up her Shamrock Shakeology recipe. Want to try Shakeology? You can order thru my site:!

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