Wednesday, March 7, 2012

On the road!!

Ok, so I'm new to this whole blogging thing, so bear with me puleeeze! I'm travelling for my full time job this week (I work in higher education), and to be honest, travelling is always a struggle on my food intake. Whenever I go to any of these conference meetings, the food is beyond decadent. Sometimes I wonder if the folks in charge of food wake up and think, "Hmmm, what I can put on the menu that will go straight to CFD's buttocks?" Can you feel me on this?? So, what can I do? Welp, I'm trying to follow the rule of everything in moderation. We had the most amazing cookies today! Chocolate chip cookies dipped in chocolate. I'll say again...Chocolate....CHIP....COOKIES!!! Lawdy mercy.....Did I eat one? Nope....I ate half of one!:)

And I always travel with some workout DVDs. Insanity is perfect for travel, because all you need is floorspace. Some of P90x's workouts don't require equipment either, such a Core Synergistics. I will get up an hour earlier in the morning and bang out either one of the Insanity workouts, P90x Plyometrics, or P90x Core Synergistics.

Food seems to be everywhere and it's never fresh fruits and veggies! Don't beat yourself up. You will NOT be perfect everyday. But you can be perfectly active everyday! I'm staying on the 3rd floor of the hotel, so I'm taking the stairs coming and going. Little things add up, PROMISE!!

Until next time!! Have a great day everyone! And drink your Shakeology!! :)

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